As one of the leaders of Nottingham's 5 Star Tattoo Hygiene and Safety Accreditation Scheme we take our cross-contamination policy very seriously. With the onslaught of Covid-19 and in response to the Government's new Recovery Strategy published on the 11th of May 2020, the team at Vellum Tattoo have put together a plan to ensure the safety and health of our clients when we eventually reopen.
Firstly, as you may be aware, the Government has currently notified us that the earliest date that retail shops, which may include Tattoo studios, may be able to open is the 4th of July, and, that this date is contingent on the state of the virus and it's containment. Whilst we are preparing for this opening date we obviously cannot guarantee that we will be allowed to open then, and so we are contacting all our clients who are currently booked with us to rearrange their bookings for dates after the 4th of July. Our artist are now taking new bookings for after this date. If you have any questions about this feel free to contact us by email, Facebook or Instagram
We have listed below the actions that we are undertaking to ensure that we meet the guidelines set out by the Government and in some areas we have chosen to go above and beyond these guidelines. We know that Tattooing and Piercing is an often overlooked industry and the regulations that cover it are commonly set at a lower standard than we believe is right for a cosmetic procedure (for further information about this please check out our 'How to Spot if Your Tattooist is Hygienic' article here. ). There are and will be many amazing tattoo studios out there who will also be taking these precautions and you will be able to find out what they are doing on their websites and social media feeds. I always advise you do this before visiting a tattoo studio - especially under the current restrictions.
The list below is subject to change and we will be contacting all of our clients before their appointments to check that they are well and to clarify any changes in procedure that they need to be aware of.
Finally, if anyone has any questions or comments please leave them in the comment section below or contact us directly by email!
Stay Safe